- Implement the radiation safety program.
- Ensure only licensed materials are on site and used as stated on the license.
- Ensure only trained personnel use the devices.
- Ensure trained personnel receive fresher training on a frequency established by the license or before performing work, whichever is earlier.
- Ensure personnel monitoring program as approved by the license is followed.
- Ensure security of gauges and prevention of unauthorized removal.
- Provide timely notification to appropriate agencies in the event of emergency, accident, damage to gauges or theft.
- Ensure annual audits are performed.
- Ensure any accidental or excessive exposures or unusual occurrences are investigated and reported.
- Ensure sources are leak tested timely.
- Ensure the license is amended, as necessary, to maintain the licensed activities at an optimum.
- Ensure postings are maintained and appropriate.
- Ensure documents are maintained and available for inspection.
- Drive the ALARA concept within the facility to personnel.
- Obtain a survey meter appropriate for the operations and that the meter is calibration annually by and authorized vendor. Perform operational checks on the meter prior to use.
- Perform inventory every 6 months (or at a frequency prescribed by the license) of each source holder.
- Be responsible for the receipt of any incoming packages of radioactive materials.
- Annually perform shutter checks.
- Ensure that the care and cleaning of the gauges is in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
- Ensure lock-out/tag-outs of gauges are performed by Authorized Users during conditions outlined in the procedures.
- Other duties as required to enhance the ALARA status of the site.
Prepared by Ben Warren, AEC
How to Start a “Time & Motion” Study on Workers Doing Maintenance on TENORM Contaminated Items
- Job classification: Are there any jobs that are like enough which would categorize the person the same (or similar) to others.
- Track each job classification person: Go out and observe that person and viewing it from a most TYPICAL type of work that is reproducible and repetitive.
- Define tasks: Define what particular types of tasks can be performed (i.e., grinding, water blasting, piling, etc.)
- Surveys: Do surveys while they are doing the work in particular task so that a specific average radiation dose rate can be assigned to each type task.
- Evaluate: Determine how many times or how long in a day, a person performs those tasks on a typical day. Then calculate the dose for that classification of person doing a days work.
- Calculate: Look at that day’s work and see how many days a week, month, year, etc. that classification of person does those particular tasks. Make the calculation of the estimated total whole body dose for the year.
- Compare: Look at each job classification and job task and see if there is anything that stands out the most as to dose concerns.
- Training: If there is, is there any type of training that can be done to reduce the exposures in the name of ALARA?