Our training courses have been designed based on over 50 years of experience and interactions with regulators nationwide. We understand the tools you’ll need at your facility to practice radiation safety effectively. Customize your learning experience with our free tools.


How to Become an RSO

This resource will provide essential tips, a comprehensive checklist, and insights into the key responsibilities for a Site Radiation Safety Officer.

Math Primer

Our Math Primer will introduce you to basic algebra, solving for “X,” scientific notation, using exponents and logarithms and all the radiation related math equations, making calculations a breeze.


Our Glossary is a resource with a list of important radiation terms and their meanings.

Expert Insight

Our EXPERT INSIGHTS cover a wide range of radiation safety topics from shipping radioactive materials to handling a verbal recommendation from an inspector.

Conversion Tools

Tools help you easily work on math calculations.

Activity and Dose
Decay Calculations
Total Activity
Back Calculate

Expert Insight

Radiation safety topics


Radiation Terms


Radiation Forms

Q & A

Frequently Asked Questions

Conversion Tools
Math Primer

Useful Math equations

Training Guidance

Not sure where to start? Review this chart to help point you in the right direction. Identify your role at your facility and select the appropriate training. We recommend sending an email to your State Regulator for approval before investing time and money in your training course. Below, we have provided a link to easily find your State’s Regulator. If you do not see the course you are looking for, please contact us.


Radiation Safety Officer

Just appointed as a RSO role at your facility…


These courses are ideal for personnel who are newly assigned to a role requiring radiation protection training.

  • 40-HOUR Advanced Radiation Safety Officer Training for Industrial GAUGES
  • 40-HOUR Advanced Radiation Safety Officer Training for Veterinarians & Technicians using I-131 on cats
  • 40-HOUR Advanced Radiation Safety Officer Training for Laboratory & Research Personnel
  • 24-HOUR Radiation Safety Officer Training
  • 8-HOUR Radiation Safety Officer Training for RSOs handling low activity sealed source containing Transuranics (example: Am-241)

Authorized User

Need certification to work with radioactive materials…


These courses are ideal for personnel who need to provide certification to their regulator for completion of training.

  • 8-hour Authorized User training for Industrial Gauge (fixed & portable) Users
  • 8-hour Authorized User (& RSO) training for Veterinarians & Technicians using I-131 on cats
  • 8-hour Authorized User training for Tritium & neutron activation using tritium sources
  • 4-hour Authorized User training for TENORM (Technologically-Enhanced Naturally-Occurring Radioactive Materials) Supervisors
  • 4-hour Authorized User training for Laboratory & Research Personnel (assuming already learned radiation fundamentals & instrumentation)
  • 4-hour Authorized User training for handling low activity sealed sources containing Transuranics (example: Am-241)
  • 4-hour Authorized User training for handling Thorium (Radiation fundamentals & instrumentation required for this course)
  • 4-hour Authorized User training for handling Uranium (Radiation fundamentals & instrumentation required for this course)
  • 4-hour Authorized User training for handling Transuranics (to include USDOT HAZMAT)
  • 2-hour Authorized User training for Industrial X-ray users (non-open beam x-ray units)


Multi-discipline 1-2-HOUR Courses
These courses are ideal for personnel wanting an enhanced understanding of radiation concepts and protection in a specific category or task.

  • History of radiation
  • Radiation fundamentals & Types of Emissions
  • Radioactivity and Half-life
  • Interaction of Radiation with Matter
  • Dose and Dose Risk
  • ALARA:  Time/Distance/Shielding
  • Use of Portable Survey Meter
  • Types of Personnel Monitoring Methods
  • Implementing a Radiation Safety Program (non-sealed sources) Establish RCA, wearing PPE, protective masks, contamination control, handling spills, clean up methods, radwaste, Decay-In-Storage, postings
  • Fixed Gauge Tasks (Leak test, inventory, LOTO, shutter check, instrument calibration, survey, security, posting, record keeping)
  • Use of the Radiation Work Permit (RWP)
  • How to Handle an Inspector and performing a Member of the Public (MOP) study (usually required every 5 years during license renewal)
  • USDOT HAZMAT (fixed & portable gauges) – Required every 3 years
  • USDOT HAZMAT (TENORM)  – Required every 3 years
  • USDOT HAZMAT (low activity transuranic sources) – Required every 2 years if shipping by air or FEDEX; or, every 3 years is shipping via ground

Click here to visit crcpd.org and find the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors, which provides information on all Agreement States, Licensing States, and federal agencies governing the use of Radioactive Materials and x-ray machines by state.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Programmed Instruction? 

Programmed instruction is an engaging method that empowers you to learn at your own pace through controlled steps and activities. No more passive reproduced video sessions – you’re in charge of your learning!

What if I am having technical issues while taking a training course?

We recommend using Google Chrome for the best compatibility and performance with our courses.

Here are some steps to help troubleshoot:

  • Clear your browser’s cache data and cookies.
  • Log-in and test the course in an incognito window:
    • Open your site in an incognito or private browsing window to rule out any browser-related caching issues.

Please reach out via our contact form if any of these steps do not resolve the issue. We will contact you back within 24-hours.

What if I Fail a Test? 

Fear not! Our modular approach ensures you’ll get immediate feedback and a chance to review any missed questions. You will review that page of the topic you missed and answer a test question until it is correct. Mastery is within your grasp!

Will This Course Satisfy My Regulator’s Requirements? 

Our course has been designed based on 30 years of experience and interactions with regulators nationwide. In addition to the Advanced training in how to be an RSO, the 40-hour Advanced Radiation Safety Officer course includes training in a specialty area (GAUGES, VETERINARY using I-131, TENORM, LABORATORY & RESEARCH and others) which will provide the necessary training to qualify you as an RSO in your specialty area. Contact your regulatory agency to determine if being an RSO requires additional hands-on experience. If so, prepare a resume’ to include this training plus your experience when you apply to your regulator for approval.

How Flexible is the Course Duration? 

Enjoy the freedom to take breaks or go on vacation without worry. You have full control of your schedule and 12 months to complete the course.

Can I Review Completed Slides? 

Absolutely! You can revisit any completed lesson within a Lesson, empowering you to reinforce your understanding.

Workbooks and More: 

Customize your learning experience! While you take notes, download the Math Primer and any forms from our website, to enhance your understanding.

Non-Transferable Completion: 

Your accomplishments are uniquely yours! Upon completion, your certificate will bear your name as a testament to your expertise.

What type of course do I use for refresher?

 Any course on this website is available to use for your REFRESHER courses. They are excellent tools for the RSO to fulfill the REFRESHER training requirement of your license and to be in compliance.

What is the difference between the 40-hour and 24-hour Radiation Safety Officer training?

The 40-hour course is more intense than the 24-hour core course and includes training in a particular disciple to assist you in providing the necessary training in that specialty area. For a licensed facility that has radioactive materials other than these specialty courses, check with your regulator as to whether the 40-hour or 24-hour course would suffice. The 40-hour course has the same topics as the 24-hour course simply more intense. The 24-hour course does not include any specialty training.

What is AUTHORIZED USER training?

For those employees who plan to handle radioactive materials in the facility, basic training in radiation Protection is required. The 8-hour Authorized User training course is usually acceptable for USERS handling radioactive materials, such as, gauges or veterinary work with I-131 and cats. For those handling TENORM, the 4-hour course for TENORM supervisors and the 2-hour course for users of non-medical x-ray equipment is accepted in multiple states.

Which REFRESHER COURSE should I choose? 

The RSO determines what refresher training is needed for each Authorized User. A general rule-of-thumb is at any time there are changes in regulations, procedures, addition of radioactive materials authorized on the license are examples of what would initiate refresher training. The frequency of REFRESHER training is as determined by the Radiation Protection Program submitted and approved by your regulatory agency. Typically, it is annually. These REFRESHER training topics can be used as determined by the RSO knowing that one Authorized user may need refresher training in a topic that is different than another Authorized User.

Contact Your State Regulator

We have crafted a letter you can copy and paste into your email and send to your State Regulator. We recommend attaching the course Syllabus to the email.

Dear Regulator:

My name is ________________ . My company will be applying for a radioactive materials license (or, has a radioactive materials license) to handle _________________________(types of radioactive materials and radioactivity). My role will be the (RSO or Authorized User) of the license.

In order to obtain the proper training for this role, I am planning on taking the ________________(title of course) course from AEC RSO, LLC . Attached is the syllabus for this training. Knowing that providing approvals of training courses may not be available until you receive the completed application, please advise as to the feasibility of your acceptance of this course assuming I satisfactorily complete it. In addition, please advise as to how much experience in addition to this training is necessary for me to be approved to perform this role.

Thank you for your review of this request. Please contact me via email or call me at ___________ if you have any questions.

Best Regards,

Your name

Enc. Radiation Safety Officers Training for Industrial Gauge Users 40-Hour Syllabus

Radiation Safety Officer Training 24-Hour Syllabus

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